Tuesday, March 12, 2019



Considering what experience have thought us. Most of the students find it difficult to survive and that is why in ancient days, people use to see students as those who are poor and should be considered financially as they are the leaders of tomorrow. But as of present, it is no more that way, some students rides Cars that is costlier than that of the LECTURERS. WHY? Because some of the students have learnt how to combine school with other financial sources coming to realize that only reading and not engaging in other things is no more working, or though some, in fat most of them is either inheritance or ILLEGAL MONEY.

This has been a very big challenge to students who don’t have something doing. And that is why some will put most of their times looking for a part-time Jobs which at the end of the day may lose their time or end-up having a serious deficiency in their ACADEMIC EXCELLENT.
Most of the students abroad (like Germany, Italy ) that I know very well ,have a company that pays them while in school or on holidays and they only work for this companies during their holiday period. But in Nigeria, there is nothing like that. Some of my friends in other developed countries works ONLINE (with some reliable sites) that pays them by doing so. But in Nigeria, most of the companies are looking for who they will SCAM and go their way without being questioned.

Nigeria and some other Africa countries sorry to say, but they are countries of  “ WORK FOR YOURSELF AND EARN BY YOURSELF”. AND this is why there is a poor academic standard in Nigeria, as most of the students you to put-in all their time, restlessly chasing means of survival. Since government and companies around, cannot provide for them.  WHICH I WILL CORRECT TODAY WITH A NICE COMPANY THAT HAVE PROVIDED ALL IT................Read More